Phillip McCreight | Masterful Thinker
Masterful Thinker
Given that we are living in an increasingly dynamic world, it is important to examine unconventional approaches to face change. By distilling emerging concepts of society and military, we will explore three qualities of Freedom Fighters that will support liberation of our own lives, careers, and community.
Phillip is the Founder of Beer and Napkins LLC, an informal, community-enable design platform. As a Creative in an industrial world, Phillip is ever seeking to unify his over 25 years experience in leading change efforts in manufacturing, consulting, and community involvement to contribute to the greater good. As the founder of Beer and Napkins, his passion is to learn, connect, and bring together communities to brew ideas for wicked challenges.
Besides devoting his free time to with Beer and Napkins, Phillip is currently Director of Continuous Improvement at Integrated Power Services in Greenville and an adjunct with University of South Carolina Upstate focusing on team dynamics and design. He loves to explore topics related to creativity, art, design, and the environment. His mantra is Imagine, Explore, Create, Share. Phillip received his B.S. degree from Winthrop University in Business Administration, Masters in Human Resource and Development from Clemson University, and is a Society of Human Resources Senior Certified Professional.